Unrestricted Hartree-Fock Studies on the Electronic Structures of the Carbenes CH_2, CHF and CF_2
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The electronic structures of the carbenes of the carbenes CH_2, CHF and CF_2 are studied by the UHF MINDO/2' calculations. The singlet RHF ground states of CH_2 and CHF are shown to be triplet unstable at their equilibrium conformations, but that of CF_2 is stable. The wave-function of the singlet UHF ground state of carbenes is characterized by a splitting of the orbital of the two non-bonding electrons in a manner with broken symmetry hybridization. The UHF adiabatic potential is calculated s a function of the bond angle. Discussion is made on the diradical character of carbenes and on the ionization potential and the electron affinity in the diradical carbenes. All UHF solutions are obtained in a simplified two orbital-two electron model of CH_2 and their properties are studied.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1976-08-25
Takabe Teruhiro
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science And Technology Meijo University
Department of Physics, Kyoto University
Department of Physics, Kyoto University
Fukutome Hideo
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Kyoto University
Takabe Teruhiro
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science And Techno1ogy Meijo University
Takahashi Mitsuo
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
Takahashi Mitsuo
Department Of Biotechnology Kansai University
TAKABE Teruhiro
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology Meijo University
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Kyoto University
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