Stripping Reactions and Nuclear Shell Model
Sano Mitsuo
Department Of Applied Chemistry Faculty Of Science And Engineering Kinki University
Sano Mitsuo
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
Okai Sueji
Department Of Physics Konan University
Okai Sueji
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
- DWBA Analysis of Magnetic Substate Populations of Residual Nucleus in the ^B(d, p)^B Reactions
- Polarization of Hypernuclei Produced in High-Energy Nuclear Collisions
- Phase Transition from a Superfluid State to a Normal State in the Ground State Rotational Band
- Nuclear Level Density and Inertia Parameters
- E2-Transition Rates of the Ground-State Rotational Member
- Fusion Cross Section in Terms of the Nuclear Optical Model Potential
- Hypernuclear Production in High-Energy Nuclear Collisions
- Populations of High Spin States in ^Dy
- On an Ambiguous Part of Heavy-Ion Interaction
- Analysis of a Double-Layer Model for the Elastic Scattering of Heavy Ions on Nuclei
- Optical Model Analysis for Fusion Excitation Functions and Elastic Scatterings
- On the Fusion Defined as Absorption Processes
- Some Remarks on the Nuclear Level Spacing
- Stripping Reactions and Nuclear Shell Model
- Interaction between He^3 and He^4
- On the Statistical Model for Disintegration of Microclusters
- Phase Transition and Level Density of Atomic Nuclei
- Effect of collective vibrational motion on the anomalous coupling states (核構造と弱い相互作用の研究会報告)
- Formation and Disintegration of High-Density Nuclear Matter in Heavy-Ion Collisions : Nonrelativistic Approximation
- Effect of Pion Condensation on Angular Distributions in High Energy Heavy-Ion Collisions
- Rearrangement Nuclear Reactions and Optical Model
- On the Gamma-Transition of Nuclei
- Deuteron Stripping Reactions and Nuclear Shell Structure
- On the Formation of N* Particles in High Energy Heavy-Ion Collisions
- Two-Neutron Transfer Reactions on Nuclei around N=82 Closed Shell
- Spin Alignment of Products ^B in ^N Induced Reactions
- On the Inner Repulsive Effect Due to the Pauli Principle between Nuclear Composite Particles
- A Model for the Inelastic Scatteriug of Nucleons
- The stereochemistry and reactivity of metal-Schiff base complexes. II. High stereoselectivity in (1S,2S)-N,N'-1,2-cyclohexylenebis(salicylideneaminato)(sal2-(S,S)-chxn) cobalt(III) complexes with amino acids and the optical resolution of amino acids with
- Stereochemistry and reactivity of metal-schiff-base complexes. I. Preparation and thermodynamic stereoselectivity of mixed ligand cobalt(III) complexes containing N,N'-ethylenebis(salicylideneamine) dianion (sal2en) or (7,7'-Me-sal2en) and L-amino acid an