Bose Quarks and Non-Leptonic Weak Interactions
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1970-03-25
Goto Tetsuo
Department Of Physics And Atomic Energy Reseach Institute Collefe Of Science And Engineering Nihon U
Hara Osamu
Department Of Applied Biological Sciences Nagoya University:(present Address)faculty Of Pharmaceutic
Ishida Shin
Department Of Physics And Atomic Energy Research Institute College Of Science & Technology Nihon University
GOTO Tetsuo
Department of Physics and Atomic Energy Research Institute, Nihon University
- Universal Yukawa Interactions of Multi-Local Hadrons and Their Application to Ground Particles
- Lagrangian and Minimal Currents for Multi-Local Hadron Fields in the Ur-Citon Scheme
- Multi-Local Hadron Fields : A Systematics of Hadrons in the Ur-Citon Scheme
- A Formulation of Duality Diagrams and Ur-Citon Scheme
- Scattering Amplitude in the Ur-citon Scheme
- Electromagnetic Form Factors of Baryons and Mesons, and "Ur-citon Scheme"
- Non-Leptonic Hyperon Decays and Ur-citon Scheme
- Boson Levels and Composite Model. II
- C, P and T in c-Number Infinite Component Wave Function
- On the Vertex Function in the Bi-Local Field
- An Operator Formalism to the Path Integral Method
- Studies on fertilization in the teleost IV. Effects of aphidicolin and camptothecin on chromosome formation in fertilized medaka eggs
- Highly Stereoselective Synthesis of (E)-Substituted Allylsilanes via the Still-Wittig Rearrangement
- Supersymmetric Freezing of Relative Time in the Covariant Oscillator Quark Model : Particles and Fields
- Infinite Component Wave Equation and Scattering Amplitude
- Magnetic Moments of Baryons and Fundamental Triplet
- Deformable Sphere Model of Hadrons
- Proton-Proton Scattering in the Gev Region : Criticism of the Blockhintsev-Bubelev Model
- Quantum Theory of Generalized Gauge Field
- Deformable Sphere Model of Elementary Particles and the Origin of Internal Symmetries
- Deformable Sphere Model of Elementary Particles and Its Relation to Quark
- A Quantum Theory of the Rigid Body in Terms of a Two-Component Spinor
- An Attempt at Reformulating Pion-Nucleon Interaction, I : Introduction of K-Space
- The Annihilation of Antinucleon according to the Previous Theory
- Pion-Nucleon Interaction according to the Previous Theory
- An Attempt of Generalizing the Invariance of the Theory under the Charge Conjugation
- Mass Spectrum of Exotic Particles in a Bose Quark Model
- A Suppression Mechanism for Radially Excited States and New Particles
- Transformation Properties of the Rigid Sphere Wave Functions and Their Relation to the Dirac Spinor
- Infinite Component Wave Function and Scattering Amplitude. II
- Note on the Non-Perturbation-Approach to Quantum Field Theory
- On the Longitudinal and Scalar Photons in Lorentz Gauge and Lorentz Condition
- Poincare Group and the Relativistic Wave Equation of the Extended Particle Model
- The Degenerate Vacuum and the Infinite Component Wave Equation
- Generalization of the Stueckelberg Formalism to the Massive Yang-Mills Field
- On the Unstable States in Quantum Field Theory
- Particle-Hole Bound States in the Many Fermion System
- Elastic Sphere Model of Elementary Particles and Its Relation to the Quadri-Local Field Model
- The Canonical Quantization of the Free Electromagnetic Field in the Landau Gauge
- Rigid Sphere Model of Elementary Particles and the Electromagnetic Field
- Quantum Field Theory of Unstable Particles
- On a Classical Spinning Particle Model of Dirac Particle
- "Minimal Boosting" of SU(6) Scheme
- The Interaction of the Bi-Local Field with the External Field
- Electromagnetic Properties of Baryons and the Quark Model
- Extended Particle Model of Elementary Particles
- On the Interaction of Extended Particles : Formulation of Breaking and Connection of Strings
- On Origin and Physical Meaning of Ward-Like Identity in Dual-Resonance Model
- The New Wave Equation of the Bi-Local Field and Its Mechanical Model
- An Example of Infinite-Component Wave Equation without Space-Like Solution
- Relativistic Quantum Mechanics of One-Dimensional Mechanical Continuum and Subsidiary Condition of Dual Resonance Model
- On Collective Motion of Rotational Invariant System Composed of N-Particles
- Quantum Field Confined to a Finite Domain as a Model of Hadrons: Case of a Spherical and Rigid Domain
- Possible Choice of Fundamental Particle Models
- Pion-Pion Interaction : Resonances Corresponding to ρ- and ω^0-Particles
- On the Semi-Classical Treatments of the Meson-Nucleon Scattering
- Mass Formula for Bosons and Composite Model
- Nonleptonic Hyperon Decays and Static SU(6) as a Rest-Condition
- Dynamical Theory of Hadron Interactions Based upon Extended Particle Picture. II : Construction of the Hadron Interactions
- Collective Correlation between Vacuum Nucleons and the S-Wave Pion-Nucleon Scattering
- Bose Quarks and Non-Leptonic Weak Interactions
- Mass Splitting of Mesons and Baryons and Composite Model
- A Study of Charge Independence in Terms of Kaluza's Five Dimensional Theory
- The chemistry of phenalenium systems. XXXI. The synthesis, dimerization, and trapping of 6-methylenebenzo[cd]pyrene.
- Pion-Nucleon Scattering and Pion-Pion Interaction