Angular Distribution of p-p Elastic Scattering at High Energies and Distribution of Absorption
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1973-06-25
Department of Physics Rikkyo University
Nagasaki Masayuki
Department Of Physics Rikkyo University
- An Evolutional Track of Galaxies in L-(L/V) Diagram
- A Model of Star-like Objects
- A New Diagram Representing the Evolution of Galaxies
- High Energy Nuclear Interactions and Structure of Elementary Particles
- Part II Radio Galaxies
- Introduction and General Review
- Fire-Ball Model and High Transverse Momentum Pion and Jet Productions at ISR Energies
- Away Side Large P_T Jets in Fireball Model
- Fireball Model Analyses of Small and Large Transverse Momentum Pion Distributions at ISR Energies
- Particle Production Associated with High P_T Pion and Fire Balls
- Analysis on the Two Meson Theory
- Cloudy Crystal Ball Model for Neutron Reactions at Higher Energies
- On the Fundamental Concepts in the Theory of Elementary Particles. II : Present Problems
- On the Fundamental Concepts in the Theory of Elementary Particles. I : History of the Tomonaga Theory of Fields
- Extra-Galactic Cosmic Rays
- Note on the Collision Matrix for the Nuclear Reactions, I
- Deuteron Stripping and the Compound Nucleus
- The Cloudy Crystal Ball Model for 14 Mev Neutron Reactions
- Part I Cosmic Rays in Galactic and Extragalactic Space
- On the Multiplicity Distribution in Hadronic Interaction at High Energy
- Critical Temperature of Nuclear Matter
- Remarks on "Semirelativistic Quark Model for Mesons"
- Level Structure of Hadrons
- On the Difficulty in the Non-Relativistic Treatment of the Composite Model of Elementary Particles
- Excitation of Hadronic Matter and H-quantum
- Remarks on the Bound State Problem of Dirac Particles in Connection with the Non-Relativistic Quark Model
- "Centauro" Phenomenon and the Decay of UH-Quantum
- Angular Distribution of p-p Elastic Scattering at High Energies and Radius of the Hard Core
- Large Transverse Momentum Correlations and Fireball Model
- Part I Evolution of Galaxies : Development of Its Research in Japan
- Neutrino Unified Model Based on Two Kinds of Neutrinos
- Angular Distribution of p-p Elastic Scattering at High Energies and Distribution of Absorption
- On a Unified Description of Elementary Particles
- Neutrino Unified Model for Elementary Particles
- Short Range Two-Particle Correlations and Decay Properties of Fire Ball
- Pion Theory of Nuclear Forces and Low Energy P-Wave Phase Shifts
- Introduction : Our History and the Underlying Philosophy
- Chapter 2 A New Stage of Elemetary Particle Theory
- Chapter 3 On the Structure of Lepton(Part III Further Outlook for the Theory of Elementary Particles)
- Chapter 4 On the Neutrino Unified Model for Elementary Particles(Part III Further Outlook for the Theory of Elementary Particles)
- Angular Distribution of p-p Scattering at High Energies and Radius of the Hard Core