Part I Evolution of Galaxies : Development of Its Research in Japan
- 論文の詳細を見る
This article provides a general review of this issue devoted for our investigation of the structure and the evolution of galaxies. In § a historical review is given of the development of nuclear astrophysics and cosmical gas dynamics in Japan; this has ubled us to perform the works presented in this and the preceding issues. Our story begins with a pioneer work of Hitotuyanagi, peaks at the organization of our group in 1955 which made it possible to construct a theory of the evolution of stars and the origin of elements, and continues to the collaboration between cosmic ray and astrophysics groups. Section 2 is devoted to a summary of observational information on galaxies and also to a suggestive discussion on the evolution of galaxies, For understanding the evolution of galaxies the dynamical behaviour of a system of gas clouds is found to be essential. This is intuitively described in §3. In §4 and §5 our view on the evolution of galaxies is given, starting from a primordial gas of high temperature to the formation of galaxies of various types. Morphological features of clusters of galaxies and of galaxies are shown to be characterized by two parameters, the random velocity of clouds and the rotational velocity of a system of clouds. If, for example, the random velocity is small, the cluster of galaxies is spherial and the gdaxies formed therein are mainly spherical, massive and densely populated. In §6 is introduced a review of Part II, in which properties of the galactic nucleus and radio galaxies are discussed, and the role of such activities in the evolution is emphasized In §7 the structure and the evolution of spiral galaxies as well as the stability of arms discussed in Parts III, IV and V are reviewed. It is remarked that the structure oil arms is probably reconstructed in every 10^8 years.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
Department of Physics Rikkyo University
Hayakawa Satio
Department Of Astrophysics Faculty Of Science Nagoya University
Ishida Keiichi
Tokyo Astronomical Observatory Tokyo University
Ishida Keiichi
Tokyo Astronomical Observatory University Of Tokyo
Department of Astronomy, University of Tokyo
Hatanaka Takeo
Department Of Astronomy University Of Tokyo
Department of Physics, Nagoya University
Department of Physics, Rikkyo University
- An Evolutional Track of Galaxies in L-(L/V) Diagram
- A Model of Star-like Objects
- A New Diagram Representing the Evolution of Galaxies
- Polypropylene-Window Proportional Counter for the Cosmic Soft X-Ray Measurement
- Polarization of Recoil Protons from Neutral Pion Photoproduction
- Chapter I General Review and Summary : Astrophysical cosmology
- Part II Acceleration Mechanisms of Cosmic Rays
- Roughness Measurement of X-Ray Mirror Surfaces
- On the Production of Cosmic Ray Mesons
- High Energy Nuclear Interactions and Structure of Elementary Particles
- Part IV Cosmic Electrons and Gamma-Rays
- Elastic and Inelastic Collisions of 55 MeV Proton with ^4He
- An Automatic Recorder of the Spark Chamber
- Time resolved heliumlike titanium spectra from JIPP T-IIU tokamak
- Part II Radio Galaxies
- Introduction and General Review
- A Balloon-Borne Infrared Telescope Cooled by Liquid Nitrogen
- On the Nature of τ-Mesons. II.
- On the Nature of τ-Mesons.I.
- The Electronic Component in Extensiv Air Showers
- On the Polarization in Elastic Pion-Nucleon Scattering in a Few GeV Region
- Analysis on the Two Meson Theory
- Loss Mechanism of Electrons from a Magnetic Bottle
- Motion of Electrons in a Magnetic Bottle
- Mathematical Treatment of Random Processes with Dead Time
- On the Fundamental Concepts in the Theory of Elementary Particles. II : Present Problems
- Theory of Rearrangement Collisions
- On the Fundamental Concepts in the Theory of Elementary Particles. I : History of the Tomonaga Theory of Fields
- On the Nature of Cosmic Ray Bursts.
- Part V. Origin of Cosmic X-Rays
- Extra-Galactic Cosmic Rays
- Part I Cosmic Rays in Galactic and Extragalactic Space
- Metagalactic Inverse Compton Effect and Cosmic X-Ray Background
- Excitation of Hadronic Matter and H-quantum
- Angular Distribution of p-p Elastic Scattering at High Energies and Radius of the Hard Core
- Part I Evolution of Galaxies : Development of Its Research in Japan
- Part IV Galactic Structure and Explosion of the Galactic Nucleus
- Neutrino Unified Model Based on Two Kinds of Neutrinos
- Angular Distribution of p-p Elastic Scattering at High Energies and Distribution of Absorption
- Chapter V Cosmic Background X-Rays
- Atomism and Cosmology
- Electron-Photon Cascade Process in Intergalactic Space
- On a Unified Description of Elementary Particles
- Neutrino Unified Model for Elementary Particles
- High Energy Gamma-Rays in the Atmosphere and Muons Underground and Underwater
- Pion Theory of Nuclear Forces and Low Energy P-Wave Phase Shifts
- Introduction : Our History and the Underlying Philosophy
- Chapter 2 A New Stage of Elemetary Particle Theory
- Interpretation of the Energy Spectrum of Galactic X Rays
- Cosmological Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
- Study of the Evolutions of the Universe, Stars and the Solar System : Personal Retrospect and Prospect
- Cosmic-Ray Study of Mesons
- Chapter 3 On the Structure of Lepton(Part III Further Outlook for the Theory of Elementary Particles)
- Chapter 4 On the Neutrino Unified Model for Elementary Particles(Part III Further Outlook for the Theory of Elementary Particles)
- A Possible Mechanism of Direct Production of Muon Pairs at High Energies
- Cosmic Background X-Rays Produced by Intergalactic Innerbremsstrahlung
- Origin of Diffuse Galactic Gamma-Rays
- Hot Interstellar Medium
- Explosion in the Galactic Nucleus and Hot Interstellar Matter
- Origin of Light Elements in the Solar System
- A Pulsation Mechanism of Stellar X-Ray Sources
- Cosmological Interpretation of the Weak Forces
- Scattering of Cosmic X-Rays by Interstellar Dust Grains