寄生菌に因る斑竹の研究 : 第 1 報 ハチクの褐色雲紋病(新称), 所謂雲紋竹に就いて
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The fuscous speckled bamboo or 'Unmon-chiku' of Phyllostackys nigra MUNRO var. Henonis MAKINO found at some bamboo groves in such prefectures as Hyogo, Kyoto, Osaka and Shiga in Japan has long been noticed by botanists, plant pathologists and dendrologists. Concerning the cause of the speckled bamboo, however, it has not yet been scientifically studied, and has generally been referred to as a speckled variety due to hereditary origin. According to the authors' investigations it is inferred that the speckled bamboo is due to a parasitic fungus belonging to the genus Astrosphaeriella. The fungus attacks the culm and branch of the living bamboo, and causes a fuscous speck. The outline of the speck is irregularly elliptic or wholly irregular and its color is dark brown or blackish brown with white fine stripes. The superficial mycelium and the small sclerotium-like body of the fungus appear not only on the speckled part but also over the whole surface of the speckled bamboo. Under the microscope it is shown that the cytoplasms of epidermal and cortical cells of the speckled tissue are stained with brown color by the invasing of the intracellular or intercellular mycelium. The fungus can grow on onion-and potato decoction agars as well as on Czapek's synthetic media, but no spore appeared on the culture media used. The perithecia of the fungus appear on the speckled part of the moistened stub and laid culm which rotted in groves. Although the fungus somewhat resembles Astrosphaeriella fusispora SYD. on Phyllostachys reticulata KOCH, the latter is distinguished from the author's by the size and shape of asci as well as ascospores. The fungus being new to science is named Astrosphaeriella fuscomaculans. The diagnosis of the fungus is as follows.
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