学制における「養生法」の再考察 : 家庭科教育に内在する健康教育の見地から
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Until now, two viewpoints have been proposed about the nature of yojyoho, a subject specified in Gakusei, the 1872 School Ordinance. One stated that yojyoho was the origin of kajika, and the other denied that this was the case. The present study aimcd to shed a new light on the issue, through a thorough investigation of the curriculum of the subject. The results obtained were as follows : 1. Yojyoho was included as a subject in Gakusei, the 1872 School Ordinance, for the purpose of health education. 2. Through several amendments of the school ordinance, the name of the subject was changed to yojyo-kojyu or yojyo-dan. 3. Some localities, for example, Niikawa-ken and Osaka-fu, began instructions of this subject early in the Gakusei period, but other localities, such as Ishikawa-ken, Tokyo-fu and Nagano-ken, started it late in the period. 4. Toward the end of the Gakusei period, the curriculum of yojyoho became enriched, covering the domains of food, clothing, housing, sports, mental and contageous diseases. 5. It can be concluded that yojyoho was the origin of kajika, or homemaking education, from the viewpoint of health education which should be inherent in homemaking education.
- 日本家庭科教育学会の論文
- 1993-12-20
中川 眸
中川 眸
Department Of Nutritional Chemistry Faculty Of Education Toyama University
中川 眸
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