- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this report is to summarize the content of the English Study Abroad Program which took place in Monash Univerisity, Australia from the 21st February to the 21th March in 1999 organized by the Faculty of International Studies. The International Exchange Committee of the Faculty took the responsibility to perform the Program and will need to make some reformation in the next year. Moreover negotiating with Monash University for achieving the new-type of agreement will be indispensable to establish the one-semester's study abroad program scheduled at the year of 2001 finishing after the reorganization of the Faculty. In this report, I would like to explain by the PDCA -- Plan, Do, Check, and Action -- analytical method of business management to evaluate the four week's Study Abroad Program in Monash University, and mention some proposals of the future of international exchange activities of the Bunkyo University.
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