「国際学的教育原理」研究序説 : グローバリゼーション下の社会科教育への視座
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In most countries, their educational systems have developed keeping pace with the establishment of nation states' system. Modern educational systems have contributed to support their goals, say, strengthening solidarity of the nation or military expansion etc. In this context, we can conclude that their main purpose is maintenance or reproduction of the frame of nation states. Japan's social studies has strong tendency to be more nationalistic one even in the post-war period. Today, however, under the era of globalization which means the deepening interdependence of the people and the erosion of nation states-based socioeconomic order, its educational disciplines should be reorganized to be more international and intra-people-oriented ones. We need the transformation of educational paradigm by making efforts from the critical views of global-citizens those who recognize diversity of global values and hope to co-exist. Through this paper, I would like to review the contemporary educational philosophy of Japan's social studies which may not be caught up with the trend of globalization.
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