西太平洋地域経済のダイナミクス : オープン・リージョナリズムの成熟条件とその展望
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The unfamiliar concept of the "open- regionalism" is defined as the form of regional economic integration in which all nations are ensured to develop competetive and cooperative economic relationship, and all foreign capitals can enjoy the opportunities of participation in coordination with the global frame of free trade authorized by the GATT rules. At present, the Wastern Pacific region including the Asian NIES, the ASEAN members and China is the most vital center of economic development in the world. The high rates of economic growth in this region were achieved through the efforts of export-oriented industrialization, aimed at the rapid growth in manufactured exports to the global market for the last thrity years. It is certain that the successful economic performances of the developing countries in the Western Pacific were established by a good combination of internal factors, such as those of governments' interventions, which enchanced the export-oriented model and the awakening enterpreneurship of the local capitalists. The most important background factor, however, was the fact that these countires' growing economies were integrated in the two major economic powers of the Pacific Rim, i.e., the U. S. occupied the role of vast absorber for Pacific Rim countries' exporting of products, while Japan played the role of the main supplier of capital goods for their industrializations. After the conclusion of the Plaza Agreement of the G7 meeting in 1985, Japanese enterprises had been encouraged to shift their firms to the ASEAN countries or China to cope with the pressure of appeciation of Yen. In addition, the direct investments from the A-NIES began to flow out to the above-mentioned countries in the Western Pacific, for their enterprises of labour-intensive industries had also sufferd from rising costs of labours or environmental regulations. In this context, interdependent economic relations were formed within the region through the development of intrafirm or intra-industry trade, as well as an inter-industry trade. We can conclude that the economic dynamics in the Western Pacific had been formed as a result of activities outsourcing the manufactured goods, in other words, the globalization of the Asian enterprises. The rapid growth of intra-regional trade in the Western Pacific was achieved by way of a market mechanism-orientation, and not by encouragement of any established economic organization such as the EU or the NAFTA. The regional economic integration and development were not realized by the form of the "hard" or institutional frame but by the "soft" or functional frame of the growing market. Open-regionalism defines this soft-typed frame of the regional integration, where any capital including the outsided can perform actions indiscriminately, and many products can be freely traded in comparison. Today, the increasing protectionism in the world is the most troublesome issue in the international economy. It is feared that exclusive regionalism contradictory to GATT ideals may cause the contemporary global economy to develop into the fragmented blocks, which once damaged world peace and security 60 years ago. The newtype of open-regionalism in the Western Pacific should play the historical role to encounter the above trend and contribute to its own economic prosperity. For this purpose, the APEC should be reformed to be an organization supporting the free trade agreement based on the principles of open-regionalism. It should also draw the American continent, whose regionalism tends to be more protective because of NAFTA's frame to the stage of the pan-Pacific open-regionalism. 低迷してきた世界経済の中にあってもなおアジア地域,とりわけアジアNIES(新興工業経済群),ASEAN,中国を含む西太平洋地域では経済的活況が続いてきた。この地域の経済発展が顕著となった1987年より91年までの年間実質経済成長率平均値はNIES4国(韓国,台湾,香港,シンガポール)が8.8%,シンガポールを除くASEAN5ヶ国が7.9%,そして中国が7.7%と高いレベルに達し,同期間のOECD加盟諸国の平均2.9%をはるかに凌駕する勢いを示した。しかも,同地域内における資本や商品フローのありようを勘案した場合,『彼等の経済成長ペースは当面はスローダウンが予想されず,例えば1994年4月のアジア開発銀行(ADB)の発表でも,90年代前半までは高い絳済成長率が予測されている。(表1参照)先進経済地域からの資本シフトを背景として発展を遂げてきた西太平洋地域内での水平的分業体制の深化,いわゆる「雁行的経済発展」は旧来の産業間貿易(inter-industry trade)のみならず,産業内貿易(intra-industry trade)を増大させるインパクトとなっており,また華人資本の奔流とも相まって,地域的にも従来の日本-NIES-ASEANの枠を越え,中国さらにはインドシナをも包含する一大経済成長エリアを現出しつつある。かようにして,今世紀末西太平洋地域は成長の最速ランナーとして,世界経済の主導的役割を担うまでになっているのである。
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