国際学部の学生にとって、「アジア研修」とは何であったのか : 幾つかのキーワード、そして「旅」にかんする中間的総括
- 論文の詳細を見る
This report is to summarize some significances of the Study Abroad Program to Bangladesh and Thailand for the students of the faculty of International Studies of Bunkyo University. The program which is socalled the Asian Study Program was organized by the all-faculties' International Exchange Committee for 6 times in past. Through the program, the participants of the faculty could have the opportunities of many intellectual enlightenments as well as those of their humane growth. In this report, I would like to describe the outline of the program by means of "sticking" to the several key-notions of the program and convey all readers the students' wonderful experiences in two countries of the Third World.
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