キンモンホソガの休眠に関する研究 : IV.光周反応の世代間差
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Most of the 2nd and 3rd generations of the Morioka population of the apple leaf miner developed to diapausing pupae under the photoperiodic regime of 13h or less at 15℃ and 20℃. In the 1st generation, however, the percentage of diapause was about 50% or lower under the same photoperiodie-thermal conditions. In two hybrids between the overwintered (O) and the 1st (I) generations, the photoperiod-% diapause curve in the progeny of O ♀×I ♂ closely resembled that of the 1st generation. On the other hand, the curve in the reverse crossing (I ♀×O ♂) was similar to that of the 2nd generation. From these results, it was suggested that the information for the inhibition of the induction of the diapause acquired within the body of the overwintering female during the course of her development, was transmitted maternally in the 1st generation eggs. As the information disappeared after the 2nd generation, it is considered that the information did not affcct the genetic sensibility for photoperiod, but was a secondary and temporary factor. The small differences observed between the 2nd and the 3rd generations, can be mainly ascribed to differences in the leaf age or number of instars during the sap-feeding larval stage. The decline of the photoperiodic responses in the 1st generation was also observed to some extent in all the other local populations examined ; Asahikawa, Kanazawa, Suzaka, Hamamatsu and Amagi.
- 日本応用動物昆虫学会の論文
- 1987-11-25
- J22 性誘引物質によるミカンハモグリガ誘引消長の2、3の特長(フェロモン)
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- 226.チャノコカクモンハマキとリンゴコカクモンハマキの生殖隔離機構 : I.交尾時刻
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- タイにおけるミカンハモグリガの寄生性天敵
- キンモンホソガの休眠に関する研究 : IV.光周反応の世代間差
- キンモンホソガの休眠に関する研究 : III.休眠誘起に対する光周反応の地理的変異
- キンモンホソガの休眠に関する研究 : II.日長を感受するステージ
- キンモンホソガの休眠に関する研究 : I. 盛岡個体群の休眠誘起に対する光周反応
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- キンモンホソガの配偶行動
- キンモンホソガ蛹の特徴ならびにその大きさの季節変異
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- F35 キンモンホソガの性フェロモン : 構造決定(フェロモン・生理活性物質)
- D22 ハダニ類の天敵ケシハネカクシ類の種間関係(天敵・生物防除)
- C13 性誘引トラップに捕獲されたミカンハモグリガの粘着板上の付着部位(生理活性物質)
- E29 性誘引物質によるミカンハモグリガの誘引数とトラップの型(生理活性物質)
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- B23 ミカンハモグリガの性誘引物質による誘引消長の年次変動(フェロモン・行動制御物質)
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- 345 キンモンホソガの寄生性天敵(一般講演)
- 325 キンモンホソガトビコバチの休眠と寄生性(一般講演)
- 145 リンゴアブラムシの発生消長とそれに関与する二・三の要因について(昭和39年度日本農学会大会分科会)
- 229 キンモンホソガの性フェロモン
- 504. 処女雌trapによるキンモンホソガ雄成虫の捕獲(一般講演)
- 127. キンモンホソガの配偶行動
- 138 リンゴ樹のハダニ類とその捕食虫類の関係について(線虫学, 生態学, 昭和44年度 日本農学会大会分科会)
- 117. キンモンホソガ蛹の大きさの季節変異
- 134 リンゴ園害虫相の変遷に関する研究 (予報)(生態学, 昭和41年度日本農学会大会分科会)