心因性多飲症 : その神経生理学的考察
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Concerning the pathophysiology of compulsive drinking, we first presented the clinical cases, secondaly made a referential study, and finally compared the pathogenesis of this disease with the regulative system of water intake in animals.The pathophysiology of this disease is polyria resulting from hyperdilsia. It is one of the typical psychosomatic diseases showing that emotional reactions have a strong effect on human drinking behavior. The psycic mechanism of this disease is explained to be the pathological state in which water intake gratifies feeling such as anxienty, anger adn enmity.According to stimulative and destructive experiments with animals, their drinking behavior is mediated by the lymbic system and the hypothalamus. This regulative system of water intake is controlled by osmotic presure, acetylcholine, noradrenaline, ADH and angiotensin.The increase of drinking accompanied by human emotional behavior observed in compulsive drinking, should be considered neuro-physiologicaly to be the hyperactivity of the lymbic system and the hypothalamus that controls emotional behavior.We might be able to obtain further understanding of human drinking behavior by continuing the study of this disease from the standpoint that it results from in intrinsic factors such as hormones and neurotransmitters.
- 日本心身医学会の論文
- 1978-08-01
- 【一般演題】17.職業性ストレスによる自殺の予防 : 事例検討結果から(第41回日本心身医学会九州地方会演題抄録(1))(学会報告)
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- 3.職場復帰困難事例に関する検討(1) : 臨床サイドから(一般演題)(第34回日本心身医学会九州地方会演題抄録)
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- 50.企業におけるメンタルヘルスと心療内科(第33回日本心身医学会九州地方会演題抄録)
- 36. α波フィードバック光駆動療法と音楽療法の併用効果について(バイオ・フィードバック)
- 神経性食思不振症の学校における実態調査
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- 心因性多飲症 : その神経生理学的考察
- 神経性食思不振症の神経生理学的考察
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- (S)II-9 心身疾患と免疫性変化((c)指定発言)(ストレスと免疫)
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