SART stress動物に関する研究 : その後のまとめ(ストレスの基礎と臨床)(第27回日本心身医学総会)
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SART (repeatedly cold)-stressed rodents have been reported to have a variety of physiological anomalies consisting of continuous hypotension, vagotonia in the small intestine and some arteries, sympathicotonia in the heart, hyperalgesia and so forth. These animals have been recognized as model animals for clinical vagotonictype dysautonomia from the results of the mecholyl test, Aschner's oculocardiac test and others. In this paper, recent findings concerning SART-stressed animals, with special reference to autonomic imbalance, are reported. l. With regard to peripheral tissue blood flow determined by the hydrogen clearance method, SART-stressed mice showed a decrease in the subserous region of the stomach, no change in the liver and an increase in the subcutaneous tissue. This decrease in gastric blood flow but not the increase in dermal blood fiow was blocked by left-cervical vagotomy. When the mice received 6hydroxydopamine, an adrenergic degenerator, tissue blood flow changes elicited by SART stress tended to be reinforced in both the stomach and cutis. 2. In the basal ganglia and hypothalamus, SART stress resulted in decreases in acetylcholine (ACh) content and increases in the activities of choline acetyltransferase and acetylcholinesterase (AChE), whereas it caused increased ACh content and decreased AChE activity in the duodenum. In rats exposed to simple cold stress, only the ACh content of the above brain areas was slightly decreased. Bilateral subdlaphragmatic vagotomy inhibited the above alterations in the duodenum of SART-stressed rats. 3. Several hypothalamic regions of rats were lesioned using a lesion generator. Many abnormal symptoms in SART-stressed rats were prevented to a considerable extent by lesioning of the lateral or anterior part of the hypothalamus, while ventromedial-and posterior-hypothalamic lesioning was revealed to have only slight influence on them. 4. From electrocorticograms (EC_oG_s) in the restingarousal state analyzed according to the power spectra technique, SART-stressed rats were found to exhibit faster waves with lower voltages. By contrast, slowwave sleep EC_oG_s of SART-stressed rats were characterized by their increased amplitude and decreased frequency, compared to normal rats. From the above results, the various disorders observed in SART-stressed animals are suggested to be associated with the function of the autonomic, especially parasympathetic, nervous systems, and also, SART stress-induced peripheral changes are thought to be under the control of the autonomic center. Cholinergic profiles in brain areas, fast dominant waves in EC_oG_s and various other disorders in SART-stressed animals are very interesting symptoms from the standpoint that in clinical cases, cholinergic neurons have been implied to be involved in affective disorders such as depression and mania, Alzheimer's disease and other conditions, and that patients with psychosomatic diseases have been reported to show fast dominant waves in EC_oG_s.
- 日本心身医学会の論文
- 1987-01-01
- 反復低温(SART)ストレスラットの起立性低血圧の実験動物モデルとしての可能性
- P-5 ラットにおけるSARTストレス誘発起立性低血圧に対するα_1受容体刺激薬Phenylephrineの効果(基礎研究,ポスターディスカッション,ストレス時代の『こころ』と『からだ』,第51回日本心身医学会総会ならびに学術講演会)
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- SARTストレス動物の免疫応答とそれに及ぼす数種薬物の影響
- IIB-1 SART stress動物の免疫応答の変動とそれに及ぼす数種薬物の影響
- SART stress(repeated cold stress)負荷の至適条件の検討
- SARTストレスマウスにおけるmethacholine, または拘束水浸ストレスマウスのabrenaline不整脈に及ぼす人参, 20S-prosapogeninの緩解作用(精神薬理)
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