- 論文の詳細を見る
In the present paper, the data on the frequency distribution of infested stems per rice hill caused by the rice stem borer, Chilo suppressalis, were used. These data were collected from 41 different rice fields in Western Japan over several years. From these date the relation between the mean number of infested stems per rice hill and the proportion of infested units is obtained as shown in Fig.1,abscissa showing density of infested stems (λ) and ordinate percentages of infested units (P). This relation opens the way to estimate λ by P. If the frequency distribution of infested stems per unit is fully random, the proportion of infested units (P) is to be expected as follow, [numerical formula], where λ is the mean number of infested stems per unit. In practice, P is usually shown somewhat underestimated, because of the departure from random distribution. The "negative binomial" often gives a good fit to the actual distribution of infested stems per unit. Thus, the above equation will be changed as follow, [numerical formula], where a and b are constant. Putting [numerical formula], P can be transformed in to m, by using Table 1. Fitness of this equation can be examined by a lineality between log λ and log m. The empirical data well agree with this equation. (Fig.2) By estimating the paramaters, a and b, the following formula was obtained. [numerical formula] Table 1 gives calculated values of λ to different percentages of P. This method is intended to save work, because it is far easier to count the number of infested hills than to count infested stems per hill. Some factors affecting this method are discussed.
- 日本応用動物昆虫学会の論文
- 1958-09-01
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- 106. ヒメトビウンカの配偶行動
- 425 ケモステリラントによるヒメトビウンカの発生制御に関する研究 IV. TEPAの低濃度処理が次世代の発育, 生存および妊性に及ぼす影響(昆虫毒物学, 昭和44年度 日本農学会大会分科会)
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- 302 ヒメトビウンカ個体群のウイルス感染力の変動に関する研究 V. 個体群内における保毒虫率の変動(虫媒ウイルス学・昆虫病理学・不妊剤, 昭和41年度日本農学会大会分科会)
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