- 論文の詳細を見る
Many clinical observations and the results of psychological testing have indicated that personal factors are of importance in the development and fixation of bronchial asthma. But the relationship of personality factors to asthma has not been clarified enough. Are there any characteristic personality traits in common in asthmatic patients regardless of its clinical stages? Or are there any characteristic personality traits which should be understood as formed only secondarily by the reality to have had asthma for so many years. This was the question we wanted to find out answer. The subjects were classified into three groups like this : Group I Patients who were presumed to be in preasthmatic state as seen from several clinical criteria ; Group II patients in whom the duration of disease did not pass over one lyenr ; Group III Patients in whom the duration of disease had passed over three years. The findings of Rorshach test and Y-G test of these three groups were compared each other. Results obtained were as follows ; 1. When seen from the results of Y-G test, the scores of G, A and S factors were lower in Group III as compared to those of I and II Group. There fore, it can reasonably be said that in Group III patients' activity in social life have had deteriorated secondarily due to years' continuance of bronchial asthma. 2. When seen from the results of Rorshach test, more than half the number of patients of each group showed the response pattern of Mail's neurotic signs in common. Consequently, it can reasonably be presumed that essentially there are personal traits which have high correlation with the development of bronchial asthma.
- 日本心身医学会の論文
高山 巌
竹田 隆二
黄 炎撮
First Department of Medicine, Kagoshima University Medical School
林 茂女
First Department of Medicine, Kagoshima University Medical School
林 八千夫
First Department of Medicine, Kagoshima University Medical School
竹田 隆二
First Department of Medicine, Kagoshima University Medical School
金久 卓也
First Department of Medicine, Kagoshima University Medical School
林 八千夫
鹿児島大 第一内科
黄 炎撮
First Department Of Medicine Kagoshima University Medical School
林 茂女
First Department Of Medicine Kagoshima University Medical School
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