インターネットを用いたドイツ語授業補助システムの開発と実践 : 定冠詞の練習問題
- 論文の詳細を見る
We developed a computer aided instruction (CAI)system that can show how much the students understand. We made out the effect of this system by the experiment with 12 students. At first, they answered 5 questions about the German definite articles that we had prepared on a Web page in advance. They sent their answers via Internet to the server and the teacher obtained them from the server. If they had some questions, they were able to send them with the answers. We confirmed that this system has the following 3 advantages :1. We can grasp in every question, how many students understand the question. 2. We can make the explanation more efficient, because we can also know, which mistakes the students make. The teachers can spare more time to explain the points which the students do not understand. 3. The students can ask questions more easily than before, since they need to make themselves know neither to the teacher nor the other students.
- 山形大学の論文
- 2004-02-16
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