病院療養食史考(第1報) : 小石川養生所,長崎養生所について(人間科学編)
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It is absolutely important to know how people have been served hospital meals and how they have been appreciated for their service of it, in order to analyze good hospital meals in the future. We will report on how hospital meals were before the Meiji era. We have researched the history of hospital meals and the number of menus they had at that time. "KOISHIKAWA-YOUJYO-SHO" and "NAGASAKI-YOUJYO-SHO" were established by The Edo shogunate. Then both of them were as the hospital and the welfare office. There is no doubt that a good dietary life id quite essential for medical treatments. So, they served the same hospital meals of soft food, the salt in meals was cut down, and so on, just like our dietary remedy today. People at that time took almost all calories as we take from our everyday diet now. Then it was the time that people had started to learn about having a well-regulated eating life with the ideas of Western medical science, which had just started to get into Japan.
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山下 光雄
渡邉 隆子
山下 光雄
渡辺 隆子
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