Notes on the Structures of Change of Location and Change of State Predicates
- 論文の詳細を見る
In the recent studies that make use of lexical semantic information for building syntactic structure such as Hale and Keyser (1993), Kageyama (1995), Rappaport Hovav and Levin (1997), etc., change of location and change of state predicates are treated alike in structure in the sense that a location phase and a (result) state phrase occupy the same syntactic position in relation to a verbal head and its object. In this paper, examining syntactic differences between these two type of predicates, I propose, along with Kaga (2001), that they be represented differently, where a locatum object is generated below a location phase and a theme object above a result phrase. The proposed structure fares well with the facts concerning the scope of adverbs and negation noted in Basilico (1998). It provides an interesting explanation for the differences between denominal and deadjectival predicates, which the previous analyses do not seem able to explain as easily as ours.
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