「学会組織」という技術 : 1958年のアメリカ技術史学会創設にみる
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This paper deals with the Society/Organization as a "Social Technology". Few of Social Scientists are aware of this definition of Technology in late years, when "science and technology", here means the Internets, IT, NGOs and/or NPOs, are worldwide and extremely multiplying and having a greater influence than two other so called Technology - Scientific and Empirical Technology (in the narrowest, see note 4.) - on our modern social life. In the birth of a new organization/research-field, Social Technologies play an important role. Now "science and technology" are organizing a number of new types of democratic organizations which are different from the societies of the 1870/80s, the 1920/30s and the 1950/60s, and to which Social Scientists' attention ought to be turned. In the 1950/60s, after the World War II, on one hand it was clear that two cultures as PC. Snow mentioned do not understand each other. On the other it was necessary for two cultures to combine together not vertically but horizontally to study for the history of technology. The Society for the History of Technology (abbreviated to SHOT), as an example of a new organization/research-field in the 1950/60s, was established at the end of 1958 in Washington. The Society attracted and gathered people for this new discipline, the "History of Technology", who studied not only history and engineering but also sociology, architecture, anthropology, economics, literature and so on. The first Newsletter (No. 0) of SHOT, translated into Japanese is as follows.
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