万国博覧会の研究 : 19世紀の技術と社会(第20回桃山学院大学・啓明大学校国際学術セミナー)
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"Bunmei no Tekitei" (the original=The Grand Titration, Science and Society in East and West, by Joseph Needham, London 1969; the Japanese translation by Keizo Hashimoto, Hosei University Press 1974) led to this essay. Tekitei (=titration) is one of chemical-technical terms and is diverted from the scientific notion to a conception of social science like big bang, symbiosis, syndrome etc., and vice versa like paradigm-shift, context etc.. Here I tried to titrate not the civilization but software of World Fairs in the 19th Century. World Fairs are placed in the category: "Technology and Culture", of the typology for the History of Technology (s. Tab. 1: Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum Lehrstuhl fuer Wirtschafts- und Technikgeschichte 1977/revised by Oita 1998). We had many prehistories of World Fairs, not only in Europe (as a French example, s. Tab. 2) and America, but also in Asia. Table 3 shows all World Fairs and Expositions from 1851 London to 2000 Hanover. Technology and Society in the 19th Century at World Fairs are took as the topology change in 3 dimensions: (1) a crowd of people, from "settle down" to "tour around", (2) a theater i. e. the metamorphosis of capitalism, (3) an amalgam, of science and technology, politics and economy, research and profit-making. When we Japanese take a backward glance at Osaka 1970/Okinawa 1975/Tsukuba 1985/Osaka 1990, we can read these changes. A study on World Fairs is even now a developing area of investigation.
- 2000-03-25
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