- 論文の詳細を見る
It is ages since it was mentioned that school education was not able to be dealt with by one Pestalozzi any longer but by the group of a teaching staff. Therefore, the favorable results coming from group teaching weigh more heavily than that of individual teaching. Teaching and researching ability of school as a whole does not amount to, however, a mere total sum of those of individual teachers and other people concerned. This is because the ability of each staff member produces, whether positive or negative, synergistic effects throubh the mood and norms which school (the group of teaching staff) makes and through such environmental stimuli as mutual relationship and leadership. This paper takes notice of several aspects of the environmental stimulation, in terms of dynamic interaction between group and individual, which the group of technical college teachers and other staff members from, and analyzes and investigates them. Thus, we try to offer a viewpoint with which to many-sidedly understand the place of work, Kosen.
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