<論文>教育問題の構造と本質(1) : 教育荒廃の数量的分析
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In recent years especilly education has come to be discused hard. It is because of the serious problems, such as unexpected delinquency, violence, drop-outs of students. The plan of "educational reforms" by the Nakasone Cabinet has just begun, so these educational problems are beginning to move from our talk at home to the stage of politics. But to the one-sided opinions of the chaos in education, the next question is heard. "Is education so chaotlc?" Those who work for the press have the next regret, too. "In dealing with educational problems we are likely to sensationalize them and not to report the essence of them." So in this paper we tried to analise the realities and causes of juvenile delinquency, considering the previous questions and regret and referring to the statistical data. As a result it is made clear that the number of juvenile delinquency is not so large as a whole but has been increasing year by year and the number of latent students who have the possibility of it is quite large. That's why the whole educational environment of the youth has had the stronger induction into delinquency but its deterrent to it has become weaker.
- 1985-03-25
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