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It is speculated that more than 500 bacterial species reside in the oral cavity. Some cause periodontitis and dental caries, an understanding of which requires examination of innate immunity in the oral cavity. Oral mucosal cells such as epithelial cells and fibroblasts are thought to act as a physical barrier against invasion by pathogenic organisms, but they also can produce inflammatory cytokines and express adhesion molecules, resulting in control of neutrophil and T cell infiltration. These observations suggest that oral mucosal cells play an important role in regulation of host defense mechanisms in the oral cavity. Saliva coating the oral mucosa is also important for the maintenance of oral health. In this review, we summarize our recent studies regarding 1) innate immunity of oral bacteria, 2) mechanisms of innate immune recognition in oral mucosa, 3) cross talk between oral mucosa and neutrophils, and 4) immune regulation by saliva.host defenseoral bacteriaoral mucosasalivainnate immunity
- 東北大学の論文
- 2003-06-30
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