- 論文の詳細を見る
It is important for workers at nursing stations to have insight into the development of children, especially at their very early life stage, because, in general, the nursing station offers children the first occasion to make continuous communication with non-family members, and it is vital for children to be given practical and efficient opportunities to nourish verbal and physical communication skills with workers' aides. Therefore, we conducted a study on the development of 30 Children (0〜3y. o.) at S nursing station, by applying Tsumori-Inage methods (filling "Nyuuyouji-seishinhattatsu-shitsumonshi" on their own birthday) and by making weekly observations to describe their deveropment through I to V stages. Distinct developmental changes in this exercise could be observed. Workers got more and more enpathetic in their verbal communication by talking and singing with the children, and communicated more about the language of the children with their parent (s) through memos. It is most important for nursery teachers not only to understand the deveropmental stages of children but also to observe children empathetically and try to understand their children's behavior. Put at the end as an "acknowledgment" Finally, I would like thank the children at S nursing station from April 2001 to August 2002 and the workers at that station for this study.
- 岐阜聖徳学園大学の論文
- 2003-03-31
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