- 論文の詳細を見る
One characteristic feature of the Science and Engineering Departments of Tokai University is the diversity in scholarship or scholastic achievements of students enrolled in the departments, and these seems to be a qualitative gap, rather than quantitative one, between higher ranking students in lower ranking students in learning mathematics, physics, and English. The gap may be attributed to whether they have sufficiently acquired high school counterpart of these courses which are prerequisite in the departments. It is noted that higher ranking students may attain a level of scholarship sufficient for major graduate school entrance examinations, by exposing them to a 2- or 3-year intensive courses, as shown by our experimental courses given to some voluntary students, covering mathematics, physics, and English. Since such education is very important in rearing leading scientists and engineers of the next generation graduating from Tokai University, it is strongly suggested to provide these active voluntary students with integrated trainings, typically an intensive course covering mathematics and physics. Computer graphics is verified to be a significantly advantageous educational tool for use in such integrated trainings mentioned above. In order to utilize in an organized manner computer graphics for this porpose, an extensive software library must be established.
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