- 論文の詳細を見る
Stochastic characteristics of traffic flow are in vestigated from the view point of Markov processes Observations of traffic flow are made at a checkpoint on the Toumei Expressway by counting successively the number of cars passing there in a definite time interval and the time series data thus oftained are processed for providing the frequency distribution and the power spectral density (p. s. d.). Comparison of the observations and the theoretical results of our onepoint stochastic model shows that the frequency distribution and the steady state probability distribution can agree well by properly adjusting parameters included in the model. It means that the nonlinear effect of car concentration probably caused by interactions between cars in traffic is essentially important. It is also shown that the observed p. s. d. includes the so-called 1/f region in low frequencies while the theoretical p. s. d. does not. This discrepancy may result from neglecting the spatial correlations in traffic flow in our model.
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