- 論文の詳細を見る
Six nurses who were involved in the care of a 16 year old female with obsessive compulsive disorder were interviewed to examine their cognition, emotion, and coping strategies. The interviews were written word by word. Analysis of these records revealed that all of the nurses had negative emotions temporally, when they were dealing with the patient's pervasive pattern of preoccupation with orderliness during the urinary elimination. The patient needed almost one hour to urinate. The nurses also recognized the healthy aspects in the patient's behavior. The nurses coped with their negative emotions personally and collectively, using both emotional focused and problem-focused coping strategies. The nursing team functioned as a support group. Each nurse found out how others were dealing with their negative feeling, shared feelings with the other members and got support from other members. The nurses who had more years of experience recognized that it is necessary to have certain period of time to scrutinize the patient's state before the behavioral therapy. This recognition alleviated the nurses' negative emotions.強迫的確認行動看護師思考感情対処行動
- 東北大学の論文
- 2003-03-20
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