医食同源・薬食同源に関する歴史的考察 : 中国の古典を中心にして
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Let's take a look at the Ancient Chinese saying of "Ishokudogen" "Yakushokudogen" (medicine and food coming from the same source). In general, medicine was separated from food in Chinese history. However, later on, the large Chinese medical system was developed. In Ancient China, the phrases "food is the foundation of people" and "human beings take food as the base of their life", were used to describe the importance of food in the lives of human beings. The earliest Chinese medical book "Shinnou Honzoukyo" collected 365 kinds of medicines. Li Shizhen from the Ming Dynasty collected 1892 kinds of medicines in his "Honzou Komoku" (Compendium of Material Medica). Among those medicines, 1094 kinds are plants and 443 kinds are animals. Most of them are related to food. All the Ancient Chinese medical books described food in 5 flavors such as hot, sweet, sour, bitter and salty, and 4 properties like cold, hot, warm and cool. It is said that "medicine and food come from the same source" was created according to the system and background of this "material medica". In order to understand the basic theory of the phrase "medicine and food come from the same source", the understanding of the two rules, "Shindofuji Principle" and "Zentaishoku", is very important. Whereas, the first rule literally conveys the message that human bodies are inseparable from the soil or environment, that is to say, the environment makes us what we are, or food is considered as the most important factor in human health, while the second rule describes that a meal is desirable to take a whole crop or a whole animal without dumping parts. According to the rules, we might think of changing the modern way of eating. If we can change our way of life and eating, it is possible to prevent the high tendency of habit disease and treatment fees. That's why it is necessary for us to broaden our knowledge of "medicine and food coming from the same source".原著論文 / Original Article
- 三重大学の論文
- 2003-03-15
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