- 論文の詳細を見る
We carried out a set of financial analyses for 23 year of activities in one agricultural machinery contract (AMC) cooperate firm. From these analyses we found the following practical standard as 10% in total capital profit ratio, 1.5% in turnover ratio of total liabilities and net worth, 5% in net profit sales ratio 60% in add value sales ratio, 80% in labor add value ratio, 1.4 - 1.8 in productivity of fixed capital. The renewal period of machines and facilities, and managerial fluctuation may deteriorate the financial safety. April and May may tend to be periods of shortage of working capital due to agricultural seasonality. This firm has developed over a long time by getting over some difficulties. We pointed out three reasons to do this. Firstly, completeness of bussiness entity will strengthen its sociability by adjustment of employment condition. Secondly, the ratio of owned capital to total capital has increased to 70% from 20% by increasing capital stock and accumulating retained earnings. Thirdly, this firm could recruit new employees instead of many retired staff members from the beginning.
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