15世紀の英語散文版 Secreta Secretorum の形態・統語現象
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These exist three 15th-century English prose versions of the Secreta Secretorum "Secret of the Secrets". This paper tries to describe some morpho-syntactic phenomena seen in them. They are (1)subjunctive present vs. indicative present, in conditional clauses, (2)lexical verb owe vs. modal verb ought, (3)simple reflexive personal pronoun vs. reflexive pronoun with self, (4)to-infinitive vs. for to-infinitive, and (5)bare infinitive vs. prepositional infinitive, in connection with causative verb make. The Secrete of Secretes [SSecr.(1)] and The Governance of Lordschipes [SSecr.(2)] have in common the predominance of the subjunctive present, lexical verb owe, and the simple reflexive personal pronoun. But in SSecr.(2) are more frequently used than in SSecr.(1) the for to-infinitive and the bare infinitive which so-occurs with make. On the other hand, The Gouernaunce of Prynces [SSecr.(3)] shows a tendency opposite to the other two versions:i.e., the relatively frequent adoption of the indicative present, modal verb owe 'ought', and the reflexive pronoun with self (with no emphatic effect involved), which indicates that the language of SSecr.(3) is closer to Modern English than these of SSecr.(1) and (2). SSecr.(3) has, however, as few for to-infinitives as SSecr.(1) and as many bare infinitives with make as SSecr.(2).
- 熊本大学の論文
- 1996-03-15
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- 15世紀の英語散文版 Secreta Secretorum の形態・統語現象
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