デリー首都圏(N.C.R.)ノイダの都市開発と住宅供給 : 住宅供給と居住者の特徴
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India has experienced remarkable economic growth since the policy changed tc induce foreign investments. Therefore Indian government must produce industrial estates in two ways. Firstly each metropolitan government planned to remove industries from built-up areas in which many small scale industries are agglomerated tc suburban areas. Secondly, Indian government started to designated backward areas, for example in Pithampur industrial growth center in M.P. state, which our research group studied in 1996. In this time, we researched the former sample. We selected Noida in Uttar Pradesh state as a survey area, because Noida is one of the largest industrial estate in India and is the best location included in the metropolitan area of the capital city. Delhi has serious over-crowed urbanization. Therefore small scale industries in Delhi must be transferred to some surrounding areas. The dispersal plan has started in 1962 by D.D.A. (Delhi Development Authority). But this plan can not performed easily because Delhi is surrounded three states. It is difficult to adjust each state government. In those days, the need for industrial development in close proximity to Delhi was grew up. Delhi became not only the capital city but also the economic and industrial city. Noida is the name of the organization (New Okhla Industrial Development Authority) and of the place name. Recently Noida is developing rapidly because Noida is bordering the Delhi State on the south eastern side. It is important and attractive tc locate adjacent to the capital city for many domestic companies and foreign investments. The purposes of this paper are to describe the development system oi town planning in India and to clarify the characteristics of dwellers in Indian new town. The results are summarized as follows: 1. Noida is the great authority which is the permission sector and total coordinator of town planning, for example town planning, land development, housing supply, and many public services. But the development of Noida town is not fully successful because the master plan was changed. In original master plan which named "Master plan 2001" there are many residential area and industrial sectors, but in 1997 many residential sectors were changed to industrial sectors. Only in some central sectors, small scale industries transferred from Delhi. And many residential sectors in the fringe of planning area are not developed and most of those sectors are waste lands. Noida is under constructed town and its planning is changed. That is why the political condition is not stable in U.P. state. 2. The villagers in planning area keep their traditional life style and every villages are not touched by Noida Authority. Many village people live in their home villages and commute to the central sectors in Noida or Delhi. But water supply and road construction are not performed in all villages. Every villages are out of town planning and development. In many villages, factory workers and their families immigrate because the price of residential sector is too expensive for them. In most of residential sectors in Noida there are many middle class families who comes from Delhi. As the result of town development, Noida is not independent from Delhi and became one of expanding town in Delhi metropolitan area. 3. There are many types of housing in each sector. The policy of housing supply in Noida is mix development which aims to make the mix of dwellers' caste. The town planners make much of mixed society. But the residents in each housing sector are middle and upper class because of expensive land price in Noida. In spite of discomfort with mosquito and bad drainage, Noida is attractive place because the immigrant can improve their housing condition in newly constructed suburban area. And people can go shopping to both traditional stores in villages and to new shopping complex. Therefore recent Indian middle class families enjoy suburban life. This is the trend which people want to live in suburb as western people demand.
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