生命保険の精神病理 : 死と金銭の交換
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Life insurance is becoming a part of life in recent days. Life insurance is a contract of providing money to the beneficiary by the contracted person's death, which showing an exchange death to money. Various psychodynamics may happen between these relationships. In this paper, the author discussed the psychoanalytical psychodynamics of life insurance through a case of an old woman and her husband who are facing problems with inappropriate contracts of life insurance. The woman adopted an insurance policy for their children while they were growing up. Her husband had a tendency of adopting the policy for himself, and nominated his wife and their children as beneficiaries. Through the psychotherapy, various means of life insurance became to be cleared as follows: When parents insure for their children and they become beneficiaries, life insurance may act as parent's defence against the separation from children and may promote mourning work of internal object loss with children's growth in patient mind. On the other hand, when parents insure for themselves and the children are the beneficiaries, life insurance may reduce parents anxiety about their children's suffering when they will no more be alive, may develop parents mourning work to the object loss that is own death, may provide valuable gifts for the children, and may be satisfied with narcissistic needs of parents themselves. Money is a metaphor of libido. Money does not have only a realistic aspect based on reality principle, but also non-realistic and magical aspect based on pleasure principle. At a view of external reality, life insurance is a contract of substantial exchange death to money. At a view of internal reality, life insurance would transfer death to life, suggesting life insurance being an adaptive defence against various conflicts of death. In addition, it has a potential to promote the acceptance of death, which may have bridging function between life and death.
- 愛知教育大学の論文
- 2003-03-01
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