- 論文の詳細を見る
The author's main research field is ail analysis of the present-day English languagein terms of generative syntax and he is also interested in English education with the help ofcomputers (and network), but he has annually acted as an organizer of a half-year lecturecourse on movies in the general education program at Kyushu University since 1996.The purpose of this lecture course lies in the enhancement of movie appreciation ofKyushu University students. In Suzuki (1999), the author considered why Japaneseuniversity students, unlike students in foreign coufitries of a similar age, have only poorknowledge and experience of movies in comparison with other arts like music and novels andthen he pointed it out as one of the reasons that movies are not seriously taught incompulsory education in Japan. The present study focuses on which directors' works we should present to studentsin order to improve their appreciation of films in such a way that they will net miss whatmovies have to give to them. The author claiins that students should overcome, by watchingthose movies with appropriate instructions, their weaknesses as summarized in theobservations below, which the author proves to be true based on the result of a questionnaireobtained from 201 students taking his rnovie course in 2001:1) Students' interest is centered en American films while they have cemparatively lessfamiiiarity with Japanese works. Furthermore, extremely rarely do they pay attentionto non-Japanese Asian films.2) Students tend to be concentrated on amusing movies rather than artistic works.3) Students watch classical Japanese films very rarely when they watch quite a fewwestern classical features.
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