環境中でのトリチウムガスの転換 : 紫外線照射によるトリチウム水生成反応
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Knowledge concerning the conversion rate of tritium gas to tritiated water in the environment is basic data needed for estimating the risk of exposure to tritium gas. The conversion rate is affected by various factors such as the tritium concentration, dust and moisture in the atmosphere, bacteria in the soil, and solar rays, etc. However, the influence of solar rays on the conversion rate has not been investigated hitherto. From this viewpoint, we examined the influence of ultra-violet (UV) irradiation on the conversion rate of room temperature. The reaction vessel (RV) used in the present study was spherical flask made of Pyrex or quartz. A given amount of the mixture of oxygen and tritium diluted with hydrogen was introduced into the RV and then UV-irradiation was carried out. The partial pressure of the tritium gas was kept constant at 0.6 Torr (5μCi/ml) and the oxygen pressure was varied from 20 to 160 Torr. A high pressure mercury lamp was used as a light source. The conversion rate was determined by the amount of the tritiated water formed. This was measured by a liquid scintillation counter. Only tritium gas was introduced to clarify the contribution of the exchange reaction with the trace amount of water in the RV, however, little tritiated water was formed. The initial conversion rate of the gas mixture without UV-irradiation was of an order of magnitude of 0.01%/day, which corresponded to the tritium decay rate. From these results, it was revealed that the exchange rate of tritium gas with the water adsorbed on inner wall of the RV was negligibly small in comparison to the conversion rate, and that most of the tritiated water formed came from the β-radiation-induced oxidation. In addition, it was observed that with UV-irradiation the conversion rate was about 1000 times greater than that of nonirradiation. In particular, wave lengths ranging from 200 to 300 nm were effective for converting tritium gas. The primary conclusion was that solar rays would play an important role in the conversion rate of tritium gas in the environment.
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