- 論文の詳細を見る
Japan's ODA (Official Development Assistance) has contributed to the development of many developing countries. Among these countries, Thailand is a leading recipient country of Japan's ODA. With the success of Thailand resolving its population problems over two decades, it seems that Japan's ODA is very effective in health and medical aid. This study looks closely into how Japan's medical aid policy had been developed until now in Thailand, a case study country. First, contents, characteristics, and the trend of Japanese health and medical cooperation to Thailand are reviewed in this paper. Secondly, to determine how much influence Japanese health and medical cooperation has on Thailand health policy, by focusing on "National Family Planning program", a typical example of mother and child health policy in Thailand, the author clarifies what sort of involvement Japanese health and medical cooperation has on Thai mother and child health policy and examines how contribution was made for Thai mother and child health by Japanese health and medical cooperation. As a result, it was clarify that compared to Japan's great contribution in ODA, Japanese medical projects and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the core agency which carries out these projects, are not much known in Thailand ; even though, Japan has cooperated to various programs including "National Family Planning program" to improve health care in Thailand by means of providing solid materials such as medical equipment and facilities. The cause of this is considered that Japan had given more priority in easily provided projects by Japan first than more needed projects for Thailand. However, from now on, with deepening horizontal cooperation among JICA, other support organizations, and NGOs, it needs further consideration in issues such as a formation of support system to promote health and medical cooperation and the women's reproductive health and their sexuality after successful population control in Thailand. Thus, many problems still remain in Japan's health and medical cooperation to Thailand.
- 1998-11-26
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