- 論文の詳細を見る
Although Japan as a top donor of official development aid contributes to health in developing countries, it's reputation is not as good as the Japanese Government estimates. The pupose of this research is to clearly set out Japan's policy making process for International cooperation for health, especially in the Nursing field and to point out problems and tasks for the future. The actual execution of Japan's international health projects is divided into two patterns. One is the pattern where materials or resources are the key points for aid. This category contains grant aid and contributions to international organizations. The other is the pattern where it is difficult to render assistance through using only resources but rather where transfering technology by experts is also important. This pattern involves technical assistance. In either case decisions are not based on firm guidelines, instead they are made in a haphazard way. The most important reason why Japan's cooperation isinhibited from working well is Japan's own domestic system. In the case of nurses, who can play an important role in PHC projects, as is demonstrated by nurses from some North European countries, Japanese nurses are not given a chance to take an initiative in supporting the present aid system.The organization of talent so that it may be used effectively will determine the future of Japan's international cooperation for health.
- 1997-11-29
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