男子中学生に対する「丸刈り」指導の効果に関する研究 : 都道府県別「丸刈り強制率」と各種指標との関連
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In Japan, many public junior high schools have a rule on close-cropped for boys on the grounds for protection against a delinquency, good sanitation, and concentration in school studies as a part of guidance. Although many assert the rule to invide schoolboy's fundamental human rights, little study has been done on the pedagogical value of the rule. Recently, we attempted to clarify the effects of the rule using statistical analysis. Our working hypothesis was that if the rule had pedagogical effects, the prevalence of the rule in each prefecture would be associated with indices on those effects. We calculated single correlation coefficients of the prevalence of rule with some indices on pedagogical effects and also with indices on pedagogical environment or on regional characteristics. The prevalence of the rule in each prefecture was represented by that in the prefectural capital. After the single correlation coefficient analysis, the multiple correlation analysis was done using indices for which the single correlation coefficient with the pevalence was over 0.2. Of the indices of pedagogical effects, the mean score of the Entrance Examination Center test showed a weak but not significant negative correlation, especially physics and English. Ratio of long-term absentees due to illness and ratio of juvenile delinquent arrested under larceny offenses showed weak but not significant positive correlations. Other indices on pedagogical effects showed no correlations. None of the indices on pedagogical environment showed significant correlations. In indices on regional characteristics, ration of runaways showed a strong positive correlation (p=0.45), and perinatal mortality showed statistically significant positive and number of museums per population showed statisitcally significant negative correlations. According to the multiple correlation analysis, ratio of runaways, number of people per copy of the newspaper, perinatal mortality, number of museums per population and ratio of longterm absentees due to illness were selected and the coefficient of determination was 0.33. These results clearly disprove the pedagogical value of the school rule on closecropped hair for boys. Moreover, they suggested that the rule hinders them from developing their flexible thinking power. From the strong correlation of the ratio of runaways with the prevalence of the rule, it is suspected that the educational function of the family is impaired in regions where the prevalence of the rule is high. In conclusion, this rule has inverse educational effects, and its prevalence would be an index for educational incompetence of the family and school, or backwardness in culture.
- 東海大学の論文
加藤 清司
加藤 清司
加藤 清司
平野 眞
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加藤 清司
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