外国人社員と日本人社員 : 日本語によるコミュニケーションを阻むもの
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The purpose of this paper is to identify factors inhibiting communication between Japanese staff and foreign staff members with advanced Japanese language skills (FSAJLS). A survey was conducted from June to November in 1994. 142 employees, both Japanese and FSAJLS, working at 43 companies throughout Tokyo, were surveyed. The survey was intended to examine the causes for barriers in business communicaton between Japanese and FSAJIS and the estimation of the roles of the FSAJLS in their companies. The results are summarized as follows : Both Japanese and FSAJLS found many barriers in the Japanese language skills of the FSAJLS. The main linguistic barrier is their lack of skills in assessing situations correctly and assuming the appropriate speech register in the process of ongoing conversations. Also, the FSAJLS have great psychological difficulties in dealing with the prejudices of the Japanese. As for the roles of the FSAJLS, there is a perception gap between Japanese and FSAJLS. The analysis of the results indicates that the present situation calls for considerable improvement in Japanese companies, by setting up an environment which would accept Japanese speaking foreign staff.
- 神田外語大学の論文
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