コミュニケーション能力育成の視座から見た日本語教科書文例と教師の"刷り込み"考 : 「ないでください」を例として
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This study aims to ascertain whether the actual Japanese way of speaking is reflected in Japanese language textbooks and to consider whether Japanese teachers recognize actual Japanese way of speaking, focusing on the phrase "naide kudasai". The comparative pilot research involving Japanese language teachers and persons concerned with medical care led me to frame two hypotheses regarding use of the phrase 'naide kudasai'; the first is that the contents of Japanese textbooks are "imprinted" upon the consciousness of Japanese language teachers, the second is that the real Japanese way of speaking is not evident in the contents of Japanese textbooks. The following surveys and analyses were conducted in order to examine the hypotheses: 1) A comparative survey concerning the usage of 'naide kudasai' among 100 Japanese language teachers in Tokyo and 100 non-teachers drawn from all other professional and non-professional sectors of society in Tokyo. 2) Analyses of the phrase 'naide kudasai' in the top 8 Japanese language textbooks. 3) Analyses of the usage of 'naide kudasai' in; 4 episodes of the famous television drama: "Kita no kuni kara", and in 7 of the "Otoko wa tsurai yo" film series during the 1990s. Both of these dramas have been long term successes with Japanese audiences. Comparative study of the results of the survey and analyses led to the identification of 9 different functions of the phrase 'naide kudasai'. There were clear parallels between the functions that the phrase would most commonly fulfill in the drama and film and in the usage by non-teachers. In contrast when used by teachers and in textbooks, the phrase tended to fulfill different function, mostly of a less emotional nature. The study proved the first hypothesis possible and the second hypothesis valid. This paper suggested that neither the contents of Japanese language textbooks, nor the use of the phrase by Japanese language teachers, are based on the concept of communicative competence.
- コミュニケーション能力育成の視座から見た日本語教科書文例と教師の"刷り込み"考 : 「ないでください」を例として
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