サン・ブノワ・シュール・ロワール修道院聖堂玄関塔階下柱頭について : その物語構造と図像プログラム
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The west porch tower of Saint-Benoit-sur-Loire where carving in stone was revived in the 1020-30's, contains one of the First Romanesque original works. This paper tries to find an iconographic coherent program in the surviving capitals. This is not a simple illustration of the Bible, but has a synthetic idea in an eschatological perspective for the Revalation of God and the salvation of man. Biblical scenes are accompanied with cosmological visions of fauna and of men's life on earth created by God. And the profusion of floral capitals should not be a simple ornamentation, but a symbol as Eternal Life and promised heaven. This west porch program prepared, it seems, Cluniac dramatical tympanums in 12^<th> century. Saint-Benoit's program has been well controlled by the Abbot Gauzlin and his maitre-d'oeuvre Unbertus with their humanistic intelligence in Carolingian tradition. We do not find there any monstrous images nor horrible infernal vision as in later periods, but certain clearness of christological and eschatological ideas for the people, pilgrims, peasants, and outsiders coming to this tower-porch as New Jerusalem.
- 北海道東海大学の論文
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- サン・ブノワ・シュール・ロワール修道院聖堂玄関塔階下柱頭について : その物語構造と図像プログラム
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