ロマネスク聖堂床モザイク研究ノート(2)宇宙図と世俗場面に関する一考察 : ピアチェンツァ,サン・サヴィーノ聖堂を中心に
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The choir floor mosaic at San Savino preserves an interesting iconographic program that combines cosmological maps and secular scenes. Annus in the center controls cosmological concentric circles and also secular narrative scenes suggesting vices and virtues. In other mosaic pavements in North Italy, Aosta's Cathedral offers a genesis world-map and a calendar cycle presided by Annus. In the center of Torino's world map the chance goddess Fortuna was playing with human fortune. These expressions of moving universes and precariousness of man's existence announced the relation between the Providence and the freedom of human will to fight with vices to reach the Creator. It seems that the disappeared maze mosaic with Theseus and Minotaurus in the nave floor at San Savino urged believers to take a thorny path of moral fight. This synthetic organization of cosmological map-monde and man's moral behavior was proper to Romanesque mosaic pavement where the sacred iconography was prohibited.
- ロマネスク聖堂床モザイク研究ノート(2)宇宙図と世俗場面に関する一考察 : ピアチェンツァ,サン・サヴィーノ聖堂を中心に
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