ロマネスク聖堂床モザイク研究ノート : (1)フランス西南部のグループ
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In south-west France, there is a group of some homogeneous Romanesque mosaic pavements : in St Sever, St Jean of Sorde-l' Abbey and St Martin of Layrac. In addition to these churches, some mosaic fragments have been found in an ancient Moissac monastery church. We know from the inscriptions on the mosaic that St Martin of Layrac was consecrated by Hunauld, an ancient Cluny monk and the abbot of Moissac (l072-1085). Another great abbot, Gregoire de Montaner who was also an ancient Cluny monk, controlled St Sever between 1028 and 1072. He also directed Sorde-l' Abbey under his power from 1068 to 1072. Considering the enormous expense for mosaic pavements, it is possible that these two great abbots were responsible for giving orders. The expansion of the Cluny reform movement in Europe demanded, I presume, mosaic pavements on the sacred apsis around the alter. In south-west France, around 1070,some of the same mosaic ateliers, possibly including Italian artists, worked almost for 10 or 20 years under the two abbots.
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