<原著>保育園児の長期追跡研究 : 学童期における身体発育・行動発達と保育開始時期の検討
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The physical growth and behavioral development of 432 day-nursery children in school-age were examined in comparison with the age of entry in the nursery. The age of entry divided in under 12 month old group, 12-36 month old group and after 36 month old group. In conclusion, there were not negative but positive effects on the growth and behavioral development in under 12 month old group compared 12-36 month old group and/or after 36 month old group. The relation of early child care and behavioral problem in school-age children will be clarified with the assessment of day-care quality and family characteristics in future research.
- 京都女子大学・京都女子大学短期大学部の論文
- 2002-03-30
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