- 論文の詳細を見る
The meanings of having focusing sessions in psychotherapy training were discussed. First, the encounter with body sense in focusing sessions is important from the viewpoint of a trainees' own therapeutic experience. This experience is expected to be useful in their counseling session. Second, focusing sessions enable trainees to feel relaxed even if they don't work very hard. They may find it easier to make a therapeutic approach to clients with "too harsh super-ego". Third, the differences between client-experience in trial-counseling and focuser-experience were considered.Focusing sessions make it able for trainees to touch their experiencing without telling their private matters concretely, which are frequently revealed in client-experience of trial-counseling. Finally, the meaning of the "negative" effect of focusing was examined. It is regarded to be temporary in a sense. However, it also suggest that the "negative" effect has something to do with the essential purpose of psychotherapy.
- 文教大学の論文
- 2000-12-20
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