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Humic substances, i. e. humic and fulvic acids, were isolated from the bottom sediments in Fuji River, Yamanaka Lake and Tagonoura Harbor by Schnitzer & Skinner's method. Also, the humic substances in paddy soil at Nirazaki city were isolated in similar manner for comparing with the sedimentary humic substances. Prior to the practical isolation of humic substances, abundance of humic acid (PQ value) was preliminarily measured of each sample. Of these isolated humic substances, such optical measures as Δ log K and RF value, which were proposed by Kumada, were estimated for checking the progressive degree of humification owing to the variations of origin and sedimentary environment. Judging from the checking of humification, all of the isolated humic acids would be classified into Rp-type humic acid. Humification degree might be in order as follows : paddy field≧Yamanaka Lake>Tagoura Harbor>Fuji River. Of fulvic acids, similar order was also observed after the checking. Molecular weight fractionations of the fulvic acids isolated were carried out by Sephadex G-25 gel filtration. Of each fraction, TOC, absorbance (220nm), contents of carbohydrate and amino compounds were determined. Characteristic peaks of TOC were observed at two major fractions, i. e. approximately 2,000 and 1,000 in molecular weight in these respective chromatograms. Then, following with the related progress of humification, their higher molecular weight fractions increased remarkably, while the decreases were observed of the lower molecular weight fractions.
- 山梨大学の論文
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