- 論文の詳細を見る
A distribution function due to the superfluidity of nuclei is divided into two parts. The most amount is a contribution from the normal nuclear matter and the another is the correction due to the superfluid behavior of nucleons. The distribution is given by the Wigner transform of the solution to the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov equation. There appears a gap parameter which indicates a pairing correlation. This is the reason we call the superfluidity. The gap parameter lies inside a square root and makes our calculations complicated. Our result is a sum of the Heaviside step function and the derivative of the Dirac delta function.
- 沼津工業高等専門学校の論文
- 1999-01-29
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- Alpha Cluster States and Condensation in ^O(YKIS2011 Papers,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei)
- Quartetting in Nuclear Matter(Invited papers of DCEN2011,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei)
- Quartetting in Nuclear Matter