- 論文の詳細を見る
Nuclei are, most time handled as a many body problem of small number of particles. Thus the Fermi gas model has been applied to the nuclear theory several decades ago. In this article, modifications due to a rotation of a system in the Fermi gas model are considered. Our first purpose is to find out the free energy of the Fermi gas in the rotating system. It will be shown that the free energy is expanded as powers of the temperature for lower temperature, while for higher temperature as powers of its inverse. A nucleus at zero temperature exhibits the so-called the yrast line. Free evergies for high temperature is expressed in terms of error functions and will be used in discussing neutron evaporation and so on. It is interested to see how the rotational properties vary with temperature. This is achieved by finding coefficients which couple the angular velocity and the temperature. We will see that the entropy decreases when the system rotates with large angular velocity and for higher temperature the angular momentum gets lower.
- 沼津工業高等専門学校の論文
- 1986-01-31
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