<研究報告>振動の量子論 : 四重極振動の量子化
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Microscopic phenomena of vibrations are not only invisible but also responsible to be handled by any quantization. Microscopic vibrations are called vibrators after a quantum treatment. The purpose of this short note is to quantize the quadrupole vibrations as the five dimensional vibrators. Chcon et al have shown an elegant method to solve the five dimensional harmonic oscillator, Following the understanding of the five dimensional quantization, we may go further discussions of many dimensional cases. New ideas of the angular momentum have appeared as a new face in the three dimensional spase which is not only a superposition of three one dimensional vibrators. In the case of five dimensional treatment, we see in this note that it gives rise to the number of triplets coupled to angular momentum zero. Among many applications, we used them to the nuclear theory in the Interacting Boson Model, we have introduced a new independent s boson to the quadrupole vibrations, and then a six dimensional rotation group O(6) has come to our discussion as new symmetries.
- 沼津工業高等専門学校の論文
- 1984-01-31
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- 振動の量子論 : 四重極振動の量子化
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