2.4 Study of Resonance States of ^<12>C by Using the Wave Function of Alpha-Cluster Condensed State
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 素粒子論グループ 素粒子研究編集部の論文
- 2003-12-20
Department of Physics, Kyoto University
Schuck Peter
Institut De Physique Nucleaire
船木 靖郎
Tohsaki Akihiro
Department Of Fine Materials Engineering Shinshu University
船木 靖郎
FB Physik, Universitat Rostock
Horiuchi Hisashi
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
Ropke Gerd
Fb Physik Universitat Rostock
船木 靖郎
Department of Fine Materials Engineering, Shinshu University
- Semi-Classical Quantization for Multi-Dimensional Coupled-Channel Equation : General and Mathematical Physics
- 28pSG-7 ^C の共鳴状態の構造の解明(核構造・多体基礎論/核反応/超重核, 理論核物理)
- 27pSG-8 alpha cluster condensation in finite nuclei
- 12pSG-4 α凝縮模型を用いた ^C の共鳴状態の研究
- Ejectile Polarization and Nuclear Orbitals
- Fragment Mass Distribution in Intermediate Energy Heavy-Ion Collisions and the Reaction Time Scale : Nuclear Physics
- Antisymmetrized Version of Molecular Dynamics with Two-Nucleon Collisions and Its Application to Heavy Ion Reactions : Nuclear Physics
- Near- and Far-Side Contributions to Ejectile Polarization : Nuclear Physics
- Quantum Molecular Dynamics Study of Heavy Ion Reaction Mechanisms (原子核集団ダイナミックスの新動向)
- 23pZV-4 アルファ凝縮と核子(軽い核の構造と反応,理論核物理領域)
- Microscopic Derivation of the Nucleus-Nucleus Potential by the Use of the Density-Dependent Effective Interaction
- Cranked Cluster Wave Function for Molecular States : Nuclear Physics
- WKB Treatment of Boson Hamiltonian of Inter-Nucleus Interaction
- Microscopic Study of the α-^O Interaction on the Basis of the Realistic Effective Interaction
- Microscopic Study of the Nucleus-Nucleus Interaction on the Basis of the Realistic Effective Interaction. II : Physical Consideration on the Effective Interaction and Comparison with Experiments in the α-α System : Nuclear Physics
- Microscopic Study of the Nucleus-Nucleus Interaction on the Basis of the Realistic Effective Interaction. I : Formulation : Nuclear Physics
- A Semi-Classical Treatment of the Coupled Channel Equation with Non-Local Interaction. II : Equivalent Local Potentials to Be Used in the Coupled Channel Treatment : Nuclear Physics
- A Semi-Classical Treatment of the Coupled Channel Equation with Non-Local Interaction. III : Perey Effect and Flux Conservation : Nuclear Physics
- Electrostatic Energies of Crystals in Space of Arbitrary Dimension(Nuclear Physics)
- New Treatment of Resonances with a Bound State Approximation Using a Pseudo-Potential(Nuclear Physics)
- Description of ^8Be as Deformed Gas-Like Two-Alpha-Particle States
- Absorption of Positive Pions at Low Energy by Deuteron
- Explicit Treatment of the Tensor Force with the Method of Antisymmetrized Molecular Dynamics(Nuclear Physics)
- New Constraint of Clustering for AMD and Its Application to the Study of the 2α-^C Structure of ^Ne(Nuclear Physics)
- Many-Particle and Many-Hole States in Neutron-Rich Ne Isotopes Related to Broken N = 20 Shell Closure(Nuclear Physics)
- The Study of Deeply Bound Kaonic Nuclei with Antisymmetrized Molecular Dynamics
- The Study of Deeply Bound Kaonic Nuclei with Antisymmetrized Molecular Dynamics
- Breaking of the Neutron Magic Number N=20 in ^Mg and ^Ne and Its Possible Relation to the Cluster Structure
- Deformation and Clustering in Even-Z Nuclei Up to Mg Studied Using AMD with the Gogny Force
- Study of Even-Z Nuclei Up to Mg with the Gogny Force Using AMD
- Structure of Light Unstable Nuclei Studied with Antisymmetrized Molecular Dynamics
- Adiabatic Viewpoint for the WKB Treatment of Coupled Channel System : Appearance of the Berry Phase and Another Extra Phase Accompanying the Adiabatic Motion : Nuclear Physics
- Effect of the Nucleus-Nucleus Potential on the High Energy Photon Production in the Intermediate Energy Heavy Ion Collision : Nuclear Physics
- Microscopic Analysis of Inelastic Coupling Potential Based on the Coupled Channel Resonating Group Method. I : Formulation and Study of ^6Li-α System : Nuclear Physics
- A Molecule-like Structure in Atomic Nuclei of ^O^ and ^Ne
- Pauli-Forbiddenn Region in the Phase-Space of Coupled-Channel System in the Framework of the Time-Dependent Variational Theory
- A Semi-Classical Treatment of the Coupled Channel Equation with Non-Local Interaction. I : Nuclear Physics
- Microscopic Derivation of the Spin-Orbit Potential of Mass-Three Nucleus : Nuclear Physics
- Quantum Molecular Dynamics Study of Deep-Inelastic Collision (原子核集団ダイナミックスの新動向)
- Study of the Clustering Structure of ^B by the Use of Fragmentation Reaction : Nuclear Physics
- Clustering in Neutron-Rich Nuclear Matter in Low-Density Region
- Clustering in Neutron-Rich Nuclear Matter in Low-Density Region
- Capter I Introduction to Comprehensive Nuclear Structure Study Based on Cluster Correlations and Molecular Viewpoint
- Slow Positive-Pion Capture by He^3 and Pair-Correlation Effects
- 2.4 Study of Resonance States of ^C by Using the Wave Function of Alpha-Cluster Condensed State
- 原子核の対相互作用を含む密度行列
- 有限核におけるα粒子凝縮状態(弱束縛系での核子相関,原子核クラスター物理の現状と展望,研究会報告)
- 2.12 Description of ^8Be as Deformed Gas-like Two-Alpha-Particle States
- Wigner-Kirkwood展開の変分法
- Quasimolecular Rotational Levels of the ^O+^O System
- Cluster-Model Study of the T=1 States in A=4 System : ^3He+p Scattering
- Structure of the Second 0^+ State of ^4He
- Generator Coordinate Theory of Normalization Kernels of Cluster Systems. III : Application of Double Gel'fand Polynomials to General Cluster Systems
- Multi-Cluster Allowed States and Spectroscopic Amplitude of Cluster Transfer
- Chapter III Kernels of GCM, RGM and OCM and Their Calculational Methods
- ステップ関数とデルタ関数とそれらの微分と
- Capter II Comprehensive Study of Alpha-Nuclei
- Structure of Intrinsic States of K^π=0^+ Bands in ^Ne : Study of Transient Character
- The Systematic Structure-Change into the Molecule-like Structures in the Self-Conjugate 4n Nuclei
- Structure of Light Nuclei Studied with AMD and Extended AMD(Microscopic Cluster Models of Light Nuclei and Related Topics)
- Electrostatic Energy of an Aggregate of Point Charges with Periodicity in a Uniform Background (Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics)
- Dependence of the Electrostatic Energy on the Dimension of the Periodicity in a Uniform Background(Nuclear Physics)
- Direct Sum of Coulomb Potential without Ambiguities of Conditionally Convergent Series
- Clustering in Yrast States of ^Ne Studied with Antisymmetrized Molecular Dynamics
- Study of ^O- ^O Potential by the Resonating Group Method. I : Nulcear Physics
- Microscopic Study of the Dependence of the Light Ion Potential on the Projectile Mass Number : Nuclear Physics
- Energy Properties of Strange Quark Matter Studied in Constituent Quark Model : Nuclear Physics
- One-Dimensional Model of Nucleus-Nucleus Collision with Zero-Range Force.II : Comparison of Exact Scattering Amplitudes with Approximate Ones by TDHF Method : Nuclear Physics
- Effect of Coulomb Force on the Volume Integral of Light-Ion Nuclear Potential
- Study of Local Inter-Nucleus Potential on the Basis of the Resonating Group Method. III : Parity-Dependence and Angular-Momentum-Dependence of the Inter-Nucleus Potential
- Generator Coordinate Theory of Normalization Kernels of Cluster Systems. II : Systems Described by Three Generator Coordinate Vectors Involving Complex Conjugate One(s)
- WKB Derivation of Equivalent Local Potentials from RGM Non-Local Potentials of the Systems of 0s-Shell-Nucleus+^O
- One-Dimensional Model of Nucleus-Nucleus Collision with Zero-Range Force : Exact Scattering Amplitude and Equivalent Local Potential : Nuclear Physics
- WKB Derivation of Equivalent Local Potentials from RGM Non-Local Potentials of the Systems of 0s-Shell-Nucleus+^4He
- Generator Coordinate Theory of Normalization Kernels of Cluster Systems. IV : Application of Double Gel'fand Polynomials to SU_4 Symmetry of Cluster Wave Functions
- Local Inter-Nucleus Potential and Pauli-Forbidden States
- Equivalent Local Potentials and Perey Factors for Various Kinds of Relative Wave Functions of RGM. II : Quantitative Investigation of the Foundation of the Orthogonality Condition Model : Nuclear Physics
- Study of Local Inter-Nucleus Potential on the Basis of the Resonating Group Method. IV : Comparison of Various Approaches to Calculate Inter-Nucleus Potential and Study of the Origins of Deep and Shallow Potentials
- Equivalent Local Potentials and Perey Factors for Various Kinds of Relative Wave Functions of RGM. I : Formulation
- 原子核の表面エネルギー
- 分布関数の近似展開法
- 原子核の超流動性による表面張力の増大
- 原子核の準位密度におけるThomas-Fermi法とStrutinski法の比較
- 原子核における状態密度のエネルギー依存症
- Idempotencyとは何だろうか
- Study of ^O - ^O Potential by the Resonating Group Method. II : Analyses of Constituent Components of the Exchange Potential between Heavy-Ion Nuclei : Nulcear Physics
- Study of He Isotopes with AMD+Hartree-Fock
- Chapter 8 Microscopic Study of α-Cluster Matter : New Treatment for Aggregation of Nucleons
- Generator Coordinate Theory of Normalization Kernels of Cluser Systems. I
- Generator Coordinate Theory of Allowed States of Many-Cluster Systems
- Study of Local Inter-Nucleus Potential on the Basis of the Resonating Group Method. II : Calculational Procedure and Study of the Systems of Os-Shell-Nucleus + ^O
- Breaking of the Magic Number N = 20 Studied with the New Version of AMD
- Microscopic Representation of α-Cluster Matter. I : Formulation : Nuclear Physics
- Microscopic Study of α-Cluster Matter : Nuclear Physics
- Alpha Cluster States and Condensation in ^O(YKIS2011 Papers,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei)
- Quartetting in Nuclear Matter(Invited papers of DCEN2011,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei)
- 24aXB-9 (3α)-α系の微視的研究(V)(24aXB 核力・ハイパー核・クラスター,理論核物理領域)
- Electrostatic Energies of Crystals in Space of Arbitrary Dimension(Nuclear Physics)
- 15pRF-7 αクラスター凝縮の変形、振動、回転を含めた構造の研究(核構造,多体基礎論,理論核物理)
- Quartetting in Nuclear Matter